What We Do

Autumn Ridge Kids is a place we created for your children to hear about Jesus in a fun age appropriate way to help them fully hear about and know Jesus.

One of our goals is also to partner with the family so that the message of the Gospel can create lasting spiritual impact in the life of kids.

We want every child to feel seen, known and loved.

Kids Ministry

School Year - Sundays

During the school year, Sunday services offer the following options for Kids programming.

  • 9:00am Birth- 3rd grade
  • 10:30am Birth - 5th grade

In our ministry, we create exciting and fun environments designed for your kids, no matter their age, to be excited about and engage with Jesus.

We do this by equipping our amazing volunteer leaders to build relationships with your kids.

We play fun games, take time to lead them in worship, and we provide intentional age specific teaching during large group and small group time.

School Year - Midweek

During the school year, our midweek program here at Autumn Ridge is for kids Pre-K thru 5th Grade and meets Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30PM.

This time is another connection point specifically designed to reach kids where they are at developmentally and help them take their next step so they can engage with Jesus personally.

We do this by equipping our amazing volunteer leaders to build relationships with your kids.

We play fun games, take time to lead them in worship, and we provide intentional age-specific teaching during large group, small group and activity time.

Parent Cue App

One of the jobs we take seriously here at Autumn Ridge is your job to disciple your children.  And, we want to help with that!

The Parent Cue is one of the best ways for you to stay connected with what's going on in AR Kids. It also includes great tips and helpful parenting resources we want to put in your hands.

Download the app, add your kid(s) and their age level(s), set Autumn Ridge Church as your church, and you're all set!

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