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~Men’s BSF~

calendar_today Monday evenings, 6:45 pm, in the Timothy Chapel
The mission of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is global, in-depth Bible studies producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church. Our vision is to magnify God and mature […]

~Men’s BSF~

calendar_today Monday evenings, 6:45 pm, in the Timothy Chapel
The mission of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is global, in-depth Bible studies producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church. Our vision is to magnify God and mature His people. The BSF format involves a “four-fold approach”: reading a Scripture passage and answering personal study questions, engaging in group discussion, listening to a teaching lecture on the passage, and reviewing written commentary notes; essentially, a combination of individual reflection, group sharing, and guided instruction on a specific Bible section each week, allowing for deep exploration of the text.
Men’s BSF meets each Monday evening through May 5, 2025 from 6:45 to 8:15 pm in the Timothy Chapel.  
To register in advance, go here, enter your email address and a password, and click “Create an Account”.  You will then be contacted by one of our staff.  Or, if you prefer, men can just show up on Monday night and will be place into a group.  There is no fee to join.
This year, we are going through the book of Revelation.  Here is a link with more information about our current study.
If you have questions, email Matt Plevak at

Community Bible Study

calendar_today Meeting weekly on Monday from 7 - 8:45 pm
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Sign up directly on the Community Bible Study website by clicking on the Register link below. If you are ready to register, here’s the direct link.  There is a $35 […]

Community Bible Study
calendar_today Meeting weekly on Monday from 7 - 8:45 pm
location_on Autumn Ridge Church

Sign up directly on the Community Bible Study website by clicking on the Register link below.

If you are ready to register, here’s the direct link.  There is a $35 registration fee.


Come see what happens in people’s lives when they discover God through the study of His Word, the Bible. Our classes meet weekly from mid-September through end of April. 

Study questions are available either online or a hardcopy course book. Each week you’ll participate in small group discussion and a teaching time (live or pre-recorded). 

Our 2024-2025 class will meet at Autumn Ridge Church beginning on September 9, 2024.  Men’s, women’s, and co-ed study groups are available.  The class meets weekly on Monday nights.  

Browse the Community Bible Study website by clicking the link below.  Registration is now open.
Community Bible Study

If you are ready to register, here’s the direct link.  There is a $35 registration fee.


 If necessary, due to health and safety guidelines the in-person class will meet online.

Financial Peace University – In Person Class

calendar_today Begins Feb. 12th, 6–7:30pm in the Luther Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, beginning on Wednesday, February 12th to discover your pathway to financial freedom through Financial Peace University. This class, led by well-respected financial professionals and members of Autumn Ridge, […]

Financial Peace University – In Person Class
calendar_today Begins Feb. 12th, 6–7:30pm in the Luther Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, beginning on Wednesday, February 12th to discover your pathway to financial freedom through Financial Peace University. This class, led by well-respected financial professionals and members of Autumn Ridge, will provide ample opportunities to learn and implement healthy practices for your financial stability.

Please register in advance so we can have materials ready for you. We’ll meet in the Luther Room (upper level parking lot, 2nd floor) each Wednesday.

Financial Peace University – Online

calendar_today Always available
location_on ONLINE ONLY
We are delighted to give every person in our church free access to Ramsey+!  The online option is available 365 days/year and we invite you to use it either if […]

Financial Peace University – Online

calendar_today Always available
location_on ONLINE ONLY
We are delighted to give every person in our church free access to Ramsey+! 

The online option is available 365 days/year and we invite you to use it either if it is your preferred learning method, or if we are in between our in-person class offerings. You can engage the material at your own pace or you can sign up for a virtual class through FPU. 

To receive your free access, click on “Join” and shortly after you sign-up, you’ll receive an emailed link to register with Ramsay+.

If you would like to be added to our interest list for our next in-person session at Autumn Ridge, let us know through the green “contact” link above this description.

Men’s Bible Study — Friday Morning

calendar_today Friday mornings at 6 am
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us as we do in-depth studies of books of the Bible and have community with other men.  This group meets in the Luther room.  A Zoom option is also […]

Men’s Bible Study — Friday Morning

calendar_today Friday mornings at 6 am
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us as we do in-depth studies of books of the Bible and have community with other men.  This group meets in the Luther room.  A Zoom option is also available, if needed.

Please register to join, obtain Zoom credentials, or inquire for more information.

Men’s Bible Study — Wednesday Morning

calendar_today Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30am
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Year-round, Wednesdays, 9:30AM-10:30AM in the Hyde Room at Autumn Ridge. A relaxed fellowship for men to explore Scripture together, seeking God’s guidance for life.

Men’s Bible Study — Wednesday Morning

calendar_today Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30am
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Year-round, Wednesdays, 9:30AM-10:30AM in the Hyde Room at Autumn Ridge. A relaxed fellowship for men to explore Scripture together, seeking God’s guidance for life.

Men’s Discipleship Study — Wednesday Evening

calendar_today Meeting Wednesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm in the Maninka Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
This group meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 in the Maninka Room at Autumn Ridge Church for Bible study and encouragement in being a godly man.   February 19 –  April […]

Men’s Discipleship Study — Wednesday Evening
calendar_today Meeting Wednesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm in the Maninka Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
This group meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 in the Maninka Room at Autumn Ridge Church for Bible study and encouragement in being a godly man. 
February 19 –  April 30 we will be studying Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges.

If you would like more information, or have questions about any aspect of Men’s Ministry at ARC, e-mail Men for more information.

New Believers Group

calendar_today Meets on Sundays, 10:30am, in the Edwards Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church 3611 Salem Rd SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Are you new to faith in Jesus, or do you have questions about following Jesus that you haven’t had the right opportunity to ask? David and Sue James are leading […]

New Believers Group
calendar_today Meets on Sundays, 10:30am, in the Edwards Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church 3611 Salem Rd SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Are you new to faith in Jesus, or do you have questions about following Jesus that you haven’t had the right opportunity to ask?

David and Sue James are leading this new group beginning Jan. 19th for anyone looking for a safe space to talk about how to follow Jesus. More of a conversation than a class, this group will explore topics such as how to pray, how to enjoy reading the Bible, and how to orient your lifestyle towards the way of Jesus. And there will always be space to process the sermon you just heard or other things that are on your mind as you grow in your faith along the way.

Practicing the Way – Spring, ’25

calendar_today Begins March 16, meets weekly on Sunday morning 9-10am
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us for our most-recommended spiritual formation course! Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today? […]

Practicing the Way – Spring, ’25
calendar_today Begins March 16, meets weekly on Sunday morning 9-10am
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us for our most-recommended spiritual formation course!

Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today? The Practicing the Way Course is an on ramp to spiritual formation, exploring what it means to follow Jesus and live a life of apprenticeship to him.

The class will enjoy teachings by John Mark Comer and other voices about apprenticing under Jesus, spiritual formation, healing from sin, meeting God in pain, crafting a Rule of Life, living in community, and more.

We’ll have the opportunity to develop friendships as we enjoy great conversation about what we’re learning. We’ll process our experiences through the weekly practices and exercises that will help integrate what we’re learning.

There is no cost to attend the class. We’ll provide a detailed workbook for you on the first day. Meets in the Middle School  Room at 9am.

Side by Side 2024-2025

calendar_today meeting weekly on Friday from 9:30 - 11 am
Sign up directly on the Side by Side website by clicking on the Register link below. If you are ready to register, here’s the direct link.  There is a registration […]

Side by Side 2024-2025

calendar_today meeting weekly on Friday from 9:30 - 11 am

Sign up directly on the Side by Side website by clicking on the Register link below.

If you are ready to register, here’s the direct link.  There is a registration fee.


This is a community bible study for medical spouses that meets at Autumn Ridge Church.
Come see what happens in people’s lives when they discover God through the study of His Word, the Bible. Our classes meet weekly from mid-September through mid May. 

Our 2024-2025 class will meet at Autumn Ridge Church beginning on September 13, 2024.  

Browse the Side by Side website by clicking the link below.  Registration is now open.
Side by Side

If you are ready to register, here’s the direct link.  There is a registration fee.


Spiritual Practices: Scripture

calendar_today Sundays, 9-10am, Feb 16 - March 9 in the Edwards Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, starting on February 16th in the Edwards Room for the newest class from Practicing the Way! This 4-week class will help us develop a regular practice of spending […]

Spiritual Practices: Scripture
calendar_today Sundays, 9-10am, Feb 16 - March 9 in the Edwards Room
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, starting on February 16th in the Edwards Room for the newest class from Practicing the Way! This 4-week class will help us develop a regular practice of spending meaningful time in God’s Word.

What we learn will help us to engage deeply with Scripture for formation, rather than to ingest information. The four weeks will focus on:

  • reading Scripture
  • meditating on Scripture
  • studying Scripture
  • memorizing Scripture
Supporting materials from The Bible Project add even more to the class, and Eugene Peterson’s Eat This Book is recommended reading (available at Christos, though not required).

Sunday Morning Bible Class

calendar_today Sundays, year-round, at 10:30am in the Luther Room (and Zoom option).
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
This weekly class, open to all, revels in working slowly through Scripture, one section at a time. Throughout 2025, the teaching team will take us through the Gospel of Matthew, […]

Sunday Morning Bible Class
calendar_today Sundays, year-round, at 10:30am in the Luther Room (and Zoom option).
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
This weekly class, open to all, revels in working slowly through Scripture, one section at a time. Throughout 2025, the teaching team will take us through the Gospel of Matthew, beginning with some overview lessons on January 26th and chapter 1 on February 23rd. 

There is a Zoom option for anyone not able to attend regularly or occasionally in-person.  

Registration will ensure that you are included on the weekly email with the teacher’s study notes and Zoom link, and visitors are always welcome.

Women’s Bible Study – Evening

calendar_today Begins Jan. 22nd, meets weekly on Wednesdays evenings, 6–7:30pm
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, beginning January 22nd, as we study the book of Luke. We will meet together and watch the video series by Kristi McLelland. Then we’ll break into discussion groups […]

Women’s Bible Study – Evening
calendar_today Begins Jan. 22nd, meets weekly on Wednesdays evenings, 6–7:30pm
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, beginning January 22nd, as we study the book of Luke. We will meet together and watch the video series by Kristi McLelland. Then we’ll break into discussion groups where we’ll continue to grow in our faith and friendships. 

The study workbook is available at Christos Bookcenter.

The evening session meets in the Timothy Chapel.

To register: 
1) Click on the green “Join” button on this screen. 
2) In a couple of minutes, you’ll receive an email with a link to complete your registration for your small group. 

If you have any difficulty with the registration process, contact Shannon at

Women’s Bible Study – Morning

calendar_today Begins Jan. 22nd and meets on Wednesdays from 9:30-11 AM
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, beginning January 22nd, as we study the book of Luke. We will meet together and watch Kristi McLelland speak. Then we’ll break into discussion groups where we’ll continue […]

Women’s Bible Study – Morning
calendar_today Begins Jan. 22nd and meets on Wednesdays from 9:30-11 AM
location_on Autumn Ridge Church
Join us, beginning January 22nd, as we study the book of Luke. We will meet together and watch Kristi McLelland speak. Then we’ll break into discussion groups where we’ll continue to grow in our faith and friendships. 

The study workbook is available at Christos Bookcenter.

The morning session begins in the Common Grounds at 9:30 and wraps up at 11am. 

To register:
1) Click on the green “Join” button on this screen. 
2) In a couple of minutes, you’ll receive an email with a link to complete your registration for your small group. 

If you have any difficulty with the registration process, contact Shannon at