Parenting Through the Phases
Sunday, February 16 @ 10:30 am - Sunday, March 30 @ 11:30 am CST
Shaping your child’s faith and character is a great responsibility, but not one you have to go through alone!
Your kid is changing every week! It might be from crawling to walking or prom to graduation and EVERYTHING in-between. Just as you begin to figure them out, they move on to their next rhythm, habit, or opinion. So how do you keep up?
Let us help!
You’re invited to a new class for parents of kids from birth through 12th grade! We will show you how to make the most of each phase of your child’s life!
Don’t miss out! Your child will thank you later! You will get the most benefit from this class if you are able to attend all sessions.
Regular children’s programming will be available for birth through 5th grade.
To register:
- Click on the Register button on this screen.
- When your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.